CocoTurf was designed with a simple mission: to offer an environmentally sustainable and safe alternative to traditional plastic or rubber playground surfaces. By harnessing the natural durability and eco-friendly qualities of coconut husk fibres, we’ve created a product that enhances play spaces and contributes to a healthier planet.

Our Vision

Nature is key to better, safer, and more sustainable outdoor environments. Our vision is to replace synthetic, plastic-based playground surfaces with natural options that are both durable and gentle on the environment. We are passionate about reducing waste and promoting sustainability while providing a superior play experience.

Commitment to Sustainability

CocoTurf is crafted from coconut husks, a renewable and biodegradable resource traditionally considered waste. By transforming this natural by-product into a high-performance playground surface, we reduce the need for harmful synthetic materials and support sustainable coconut farming practices.

Safety and Performance

While sustainability is at the heart of what we do, safety and performance are equally important. CocoTurf offers a cushioned, shock-absorbing surface that reduces the impact of falls, making it perfect for children’s playgrounds. It is designed to withstand the demands of heavy use while maintaining a natural look and feel.

A Greener Future

CocoTurf is more than just a product; it’s a movement towards creating greener, healthier spaces for communities to thrive. By choosing CocoTurf, you are positively impacting the environment and contributing to a future where nature and play go hand in hand.

Download the CocoTurf Infographic here


The versatile CocoTurf ChildsPlay system can be installed as part of a new project or over various existing surfaces, on flat ground and over irregular mounds or slopes. Suited to a range of environments and offering critical fall height protection of up to 3.0 metres, ChildsPlay is the perfect playground surfacing for a ‘free play’ landscape or under climbing frames, swings and other play equipment.

CocoTurf ChildsPlay Recreation System

ChildsPlay Recreation

1. CocoTurf
2. Clean Stone
3. Concrete / Asphalt

ChildsPlay 130
Critical fall height up to 130cm

1. CocoTurf
2. NottsPad CP 30mm
3. Concrete / Asphalt

CocoTurf ChildsPlay CP130 System

ChildsPlay 170
Critical fall height up to 170cm

1. CocoTurf
2. NottsBase EPP 40
3. Sub base stone under a geotextile layer
4. Concrete / Asphalt

CocoTurf ChildsPlay CP170 System

ChildsPlay 210
Critical fall height up to 210cm

1. CocoTurf
2. NottsBase EPP 55
3. Sub base stone under a geotextile layer
4. Concrete / Asphalt

CocoTurf ChildsPlay CP210 System

ChildsPlay 250
Critical fall height up to 250cm

1. CocoTurf
2. NottsBase EPP 65
3. Sub base stone under a geotextile layer
4. Concrete / Asphalt

CocoTurf ChildsPlay CP300 System

ChildsPlay 300
Critical fall height up to 300cm

1. CocoTurf
2. 2 no. NottsBase EPP 40
3. Sub base stone under a geotextile layer
4. Concrete / Asphalt

CocoTurf ChildsPlay CP250 System